
Drains and manhole repair or installation

Excellent Pavage has the proper expertise to perform a variety of work such as installing new drains, repairing a superficial layer around a storm sewer by bringing it back up to level and ensuring the water can enter properly, excavating around the drain with ring height adjustment, repairing, replacing or installing new pipes, and much more.

Trust us for the following:

  • Ring adjustment or drain head replacement
  • Valve box change
  • Pipe repair
  • Etc.


Drain installation and repair (gutter)

Installation and repair of gutters

Full repair including box and hose connection:
When the gutter in your parking lot is no longer functional (pierced or broken cement), the Excellent Pavage experts will remove the cement or plastic gutter (asphalt cutting may be involved). We will level it with compacted stone (0-3/7). After that, we will install a new gutter and make the necessary hose connection. Then, we will repair the asphalt around the gutter by giving it the proper slant to make sure the water flows down the drain.

Drain repair not requiring gutter change:
It is possible that your gutter is in good condition but that it still needs to be levelled. We will proceed to do that and repair the asphalt around it by ensuring we have the right slope to help with water drainage.

For repairs of gutters, it is better to have one of our consultants make an evaluation of the cost of repairs needed. Feel free to contact us and we will gladly schedule an appointment with you!

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